The storm yesterday behaved as I thought. There was a general 1-2 inches with Hagerstown being the winner with 4 inches. But as I promised you....Warmer Days are coming. As Ive been alluding for the past few days, the very chilly weather of this first week will be replaced by Mild Weather next week. There could be a day next Wednesday where DC flirts with 70. Right now Next Wednesday and Thursday appear to be the warmest day although early in the week will feel great compared to what we have been through. But alas, the cold will return by the Start of Next weekend. This weekend while mild appears to be cloudy. The real spring weather will begin next week.
Also, something to keep in mind is that there we have gone from a El Nino to a La Nina. La Nina is the opposite of El Nino where the waters in the equatorial Pacific are colder than normal. Who cares right? Well...a La Nina regime favors a very active hurricane season. Last Season, El nino pretty much shut down Hurricanes but this summer might be the opposite.Also, If the La Nina is moderate to strong by the time we head into next winter, we can kiss winter goodbye. Its going to stink. But if it weakens and we have a weak La Nina, the winter will be alot more interesting.