Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Charged and Ready to go

Hey guys,

I took a break from this but now I am ready to go. Winter is here and it is by far the most exciting time of the year if your a fan of weather. As you can tell already, cold air is starting to pour in from Canada and today through Sunday, will give us an unseasonable shot of cold and maybe...just maybe a few wet snow flakes on Friday night.

Here is the 6z Nam and it does show some precip overhead with 850mb temps below zero. The problem is its early November and the other crucial layers of the atmosphere may be too warm for snow so I could definitely see some flakes mixing in.

temps during the day will be too warm for snow but marginal at night. I think tomorow night, we see temps dip as low as 26-27 at IAD.

It will warm up next week but maybe another cold shot in 10 days.


Anonymous said...

Johnny Punani rules!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Snowblower? Are you high? Warmest winter in some time coming this year.

Anonymous said...

"Winter is here" on November 7?
Jihad, you crack my up.